We're brimming with businesses that call Stafford home and we're proud to have you here! To help support local businesses - no matter the type - we are working to build a comprehensive business directory for both residents and visitors. All business categories are encouraged to submit.
If you are a local owner and would like to add your Stafford business to the growing directory, please use the form below to submit content. Content submitted below will be used for the 'Shop Local, Shop Stafford' campaigns and to build a robust business listing throughout the year.
do not list phone number with listing
do not include email with listing
Concise business description for print materials. Short sentence for customers to easily understand your business and/or product (to be included in 'Shop Stafford' print map.
business description - WEB LISTING
What type of business do you operate? What products and/or services do you offer? If you don't have a store front, where can customers buy your goods? Do you have COVID-19 provisions such as curbside pickup, delivery, gift card offerings, and more.
Upload logo, product shot or store front photo to accompany listing
please keep me up to date with business activities and economic development functions
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If you receive an error message upon submittal, please call 860.851.0243 or email