Parade Information & Registration
The Town of Stafford welcomes you to participate in the 2021 WinterFest Parade of Lights! The holiday tradition is an authentic celebration of community - all businesses, organizations, clubs, civic groups, and residents are encouraged to participate. The lighted parade steps off just after dusk and we ask all entries be illuminated for evening viewing. This includes vehicles, marchers, and floats. Be creative and use any lighted holiday decorations, string lights, or battery operated lights! There is no cost to participate.
To participate, please register using the electronic form below. If you have any trouble with submission, please email amberw@staffordct.org or call (860) 851-8102.
Parade Line-up:
Olympic Circle, beginning as early as 3:30 p.m.
Upon completion of the form below, further logistical details will be sent to the registered email.
Olympic Park Annex >> East Main Street >> Main Street.
The parade concludes after Holt Fountain in front of Town Hall.
Upon conclusion, ALL walkers/marchers will turn right into the Town
Hall parking lot and all vehicles/floats will proceed left to Furnace Avenue.
Parade Registration
Entry Type (check all that apply)
Atand-alone vehicle
Walking group
Float/trailer in tow
First Responder apparatus
Commercial vehicle
Entry Description
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